Dental floss is great for cleaning in between the teeth where the toothbrush and the piksters can’t reach.
It is also great for cleaning under the gums which is often times where gum disease starts. However if a person struggles too much to the point of not flossing at all, then the pikster brush is great for in between the teeth. But this is only for a select number of people because not everyone can fit a pikster brush between their teeth. Only those who have a slight space between their teeth at the gum line will find this to be another option. If not, you will have to force it into that area and cause recession of the gums which is non-reversible. And honestly who wants to cause recession and then have sensitive teeth and gappy teeth because of it. So for those of us who have no spacing whatsoever, floss is the only tool to clean in between our teeth.
When a person has braces, we find that the above does apply, however piksters have the added benefit of cleaning the surface of tooth that is underneath the arch wire. This is mostly the sides of the braces as well as under the wire itself. Piksters are great tools to reach those hard to reach places, and unfortunately a toothbrush, whether manual or electric, will not reach. If this area is not cleaned well, over time you will find the teeth will demineralise and you will get permanent white marks on your teeth. Now what does demineralise mean? It’s when the tooth is not cleaned well and subjected to an acidic environment and the minerals of the tooth are removed resulting in a weakened tooth surface. If this is not dealt with promptly, the tooth will end up having the white marks or even worse, with decay.
So at the end of the day whichever tool you prefer to use, so long as you’re reaching all the nooks and crannies whether it be in between teeth or around your braces, you will maintain optimal oral health.
We are excited and happy to be able to offer the latest and best Orthodontic care to our patients. For more information about how you can ‘Embrace the Experience’, email us or call 07 5493 3200.
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